Spring Clean

For many people springtime is the most welcome and favourite time of the year. The new life sprouts all around us. Flowers are blooming. Fresh green leaves appear on tree branches and the air warms up. We can almost imagine the long summer evenings and pack those bulky winter clothes jackets and coats away. We can finally spend more time outside in nature and celebrate this time of renewal with friends and family. It sounds idyllic, doesn’t it?

Spring flowers – photo by Agnieszka Galant

Well, for some of us, the same time of the year can be quite difficult, and it may be particularly hard to admit it when everyone around is having such a great time! Let’s talk then about the existence of spring depression, the less known of Seasonal Affective Disorders (SADs). It can be brought on by many factors, for example:

  • The change of the clock and effect it has on our bodies internal clock and sleep cycle
  • The higher pollen exposure that affects those who suffer from allergies
  • The warmer weather can have a negative impact on people with social anxiety (or just introverts) as they can feel obliged to be more social during this time of the year

This list of reasons is not exhaustive. Our immune systems also seem to be affected during the major seasonal shifts, as we catch more infections during autumn and spring (me included!). For many of us, the normal weight gain during the cosy winter hibernation can be a major source of suffering – and, unfortunately, there are tons of websites claiming that spring is the best time to lose weight. Please don’t fall for that trap – malnutrition and potential yo-yo diet effect await that may cause you even more distress.

So, when your clothes fit a bit tight, you feel tired and sluggish after months of staying home, and you fear the summer swimsuit parade, is it so surprising, that you may feel the spring blues? It is crucial to recognize the effect of both seasonal change and the stories and beliefs created by our minds on our moods. There is hardly a better way to do so than with mindfulness meditation, especially if it can be combined with other psychotherapeutic modalities to ensure sufficient guidance and support.

For too many of us, spring cleaning means a cleanse, a diet, a new exercise regime. We label this a lifestyle change but it does not last a lifetime, as it is mostly not feasible. This year (and every year), I call for a different spring cleanse: one in which we get more clarity, calm and stillness. One, that helps us sift through the mistaken beliefs and unhelpful stories. One, that connects us to the wisdom of our bodies. One, that helps us trust ourselves to take care of our full being – body, mind and heart aligned.

You can join me on this journey with my latest guided meditation below. And, if you are looking for more personal support and guidance on the way, you are most welcome to schedule a free call with me. My best wishes to you all for this transitory season and beyond  💚

Published by Agnieszka / Agnes

Professional Trainer, Teacher and Coach

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